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An 'Enter WPS PIN' message displays during an HP printer setup (Windows)

A WPS PIN is not required to connect the printer to your Wi-Fi network. Cancel the Windows message, and then download the HP Smart app to finish the printer setup.

Enter the WPS PIN for your printer prompt in Windows 10
  1. From the WPS PIN prompt window, click Cancel.

  2. Place the printer near the Wi-Fi router if you are setting up a wireless connection.

  3. Download the HP Smart app from (Android, Apple iOS), HP Smart - Microsoft Store (Windows, in English), or HP Smart - Mac App Store (macOS, in English).

  4. If the printer setup does not automatically start, click Add Printer or the plus sign, and then follow the prompts to add your printer to the network and finish setup.

    Go to HP printer setup (HP Smart app) for more information.